Florida Builders CAN I GET A BUILDERS LICENSE IN FLORIDA. Grandfathered In From My Michigan Builders License If I Pay The Cost

CAN I GET A BUILDERS LICENSE IN FLORIDA. Grandfathered in from My Michigan Builders License if I pay the cost - florida builders

Are you saying, "Can you automatically, just the fee, because it already provided by the State of Michigan I doubt if approved - I hope not, too!

Michigan and Florida very different climate zones. The requirements in both places are very different, and a building that works well in a dynamic environment may fail in another. The practices may also be used in Michigan for 90% of the tasks you have to serve for a house in Florida, but those last 10% a lot of free money and start again - or even if the owner, you have discovered about something in order, and you're sued.

For example: - Florida has a lot or problems with insects. What must be done to protect homes against termites and other pests? What is the best coverage for the use of their own, there are up to hurricane force? I know that MI tornadoes, but not extend - to the same area as a huge storm, and undercut the chances of a house in Florida by a hurricane, it is probably much higher than a house hit by IM ever a tornado.

Ibe wrong, but somehow I do not think so.


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