Safflower Seed Black Crows Andmy Bird Feeders?

Black crows andmy bird feeders? - safflower seed

I win sevaral bird feeders and a birdbath for birds of the colors. Cardinals, robins, Blue Jays, woodpeckers, pigeons, Humingbird and much more beautiful birds. I feed them through a small opening Shuttle, and the use of seeds of safflower. He was the black bird of 6 years are kept away. But suddenly, the black birds are always eating safflower seed (which they told me they hate this kind of grain) from the floor, and now you keep the colors from there. What now?


John H said...


Because crows are large birds, the rod while eating normally try to remove) with small hook with the offer (or completely. You can also use RSS feeds, without swamp.

If this fails, you must remove the lines for one or two weeks. They should switch to another food source.

Good luck,


candewmo... said...

My grandfather said that to maintain an air-rifle! LOL

omajust said...

I'm sorry to hear that - use of sunflower oil and black Finch, peanuts for the Blue Jays, raisins, nightingales, with no more waste of birds left, at the feeder for sunflower and Niger exception - because the black birds - blackbirds and starlings do I do not - but I noticed the starlings and blackbirds come in my yard last week can be - a seasonal thing? They are made from natural seed? Preparing to move forward?
I sincerely hope --
The crows are black people here --
I hope you're right ...
Good luck

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